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2022 Marketing Trends: Navigating the Digital World

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Even after the initial increase of Internet usage that was necessary to keep businesses afloat during the unprecedented, we see that heavy traffic in the digital world is not going anywhere. Many businesses changed their marketing tactics to include more digital campaigns, social media engagement, and more. However, simply moving old messaging and visuals to the digital realm may not be enough. Not only are people using a new medium to take in content, they’re also thinking differently and subconsciously looking for certain visuals and messaging styles. To really take advantage of this phenomenon, we must rethink our strategy. Here are ways to reach today’s digital audience:

1. Set an Optimistic Tone — Today, opening your favorite social media platform could mean being inundated with negativity and unfortunate news. People are hungry for a positive story and lighthearted visuals. Combining the themes of playful and powerful could be key in gaining your audience’s attention.

2. Make it Genuine — Increased lack of in-person interaction and reliance on screens causes people to feel blocked off from reality. Connect with your audience in an understanding way. Let them know that you’re a person behind the message and they’re not being fed a script that sounds like a broken record. Compelling, meaningful copywriting will let your message stand out and retain readers.

3. Give Reason to Come Back — Reach specific demographics better than before with targeted digital campaigns. Keep in touch with your audience through effective follow-up eBlasts. Track your audience based on the links they visit and social platforms they use through powerful analytics to keep fine-tuning your strategy.

Speaking of strategy, it’s what it all comes back to. When working with our partners to ensure they’re getting the most out of their marketing oomph, having a strong digital backing is something we recommend. Ready to take your digital game to the next level? The WhiteBox Marketing Team is here to help!